So far as I know, I seem to have the only blog on the net currently devoted exclusively to comic books of the Western genre. (And if I'm wrong, tell me. I'd like to read and/or link any others that are out there!). However, other folks do post some very fine Westerns on their comics blogs, and I like to take a moment from time to time to point some of those out.
This time, I'd like to spotlight Pappy of "Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine" . If you don't know Pappy's blog, you need to stop reading this and go there. Pappy doesn't currently have a search engine for older posts, so I've listed a few of my favorite Westerns from his blog (url links listed below the covers):







As you can see, Pappy's blog is a treasure-trove of good Westerns! It's also chock full of Super heroes, horror, War, Good Girl, Sci-Fi and Kids comics!